ICL, who can be found at Stand 426 in the Purple Zone, will be showcasing a range of new products and innovative technologies atBTME 2019.
Visitors to the stand can learn about the new and improved range of ProSelect grass seed mixtures which are ideal for golfcourses, sports fields, turf growers and landscape contractors. The updatedrange contains highly ranked STRI varieties which have been developed throughan extensive breeding selection.
Torsion TRT, the unique turf repairing tiller perennial ryegrass or Riptide, the UK’s No.1 ranked creeping bent are just someof the outstanding developments in the portfolio which can be seen at thisyear’s BTME.
As a leading innovator in the industry, ICL has a vast range of products and solutions trusted by turf managers across the globe.The company continues to invest in new trials and technologies visitors willhave the chance to see at first hand the exciting new innovations in liquid andgranular nutrition that are being showcased on the stand.
Visitors will also get the opportunity to discover what new qualifying products and rewards will be added to the Turf Rewardsloyalty scheme in 2019.
ICL has been a long-term supporter of BIGGA’s Continue to Learn education programme, which runs alongside the exhibition, andICL will be playing a part in this year’s schedule.
Henry Bechelet, UK & Ireland Technical Sales Manager and Dr Andy Owen, International Technical Manager, will be taking tothe stage twice across the week, presenting a ‘Whats in a Soil Analysis onMonday and then on Wednesday they will be delivering a 45 minute seminar that will continue to develop thediscussion about the relative merits of granular and liquid applied approachesto turf nutrition.
The ICL barista team will be on hand to providere freshments on the stand so if you would like to talk about products, projectsor turf and landscape management in general then make sure that a visit toStand 426 is on your agenda.
Please contact ICL on 01473 237100 or visit www.icl-sf.co.uk or www.icl-sf.ie if you are in Ireland.