Imperative MM impresses the Imps

Lincoln City FC, also known as the Imps, boasts a pitch consisting of MM60 grass seed and Head Groundsman Craig Housley could not be more impressed.

Imperative MM impresses the Imps

MM60 is the UK’s leading winter sports renovation mixture and can be attributed with playing a key role in many of the finest sporting venues you see today. The 100% Ryegrass formula, which is perfect for divot repair, is renowned for its extremely fast germination and its high wear tolerance. It produces fantastic aesthetic qualities, and its high disease resistance provides ultimate protection.

Craig, currently in his second season as the Head Groundsman at Lincoln City FC, is no stranger to the market leading grass seed. “I knew just how good the seed was because I had used it in my previous role at Scunthorpe Untied FC. I would highly recommend it and will carry on using it in the future,” he said.

The decision to apply MM60 at Lincoln City FC’s LNER Stadium coincided with the construction of a brand new Fibresand pitch which took place at the end of the 2020/21 season. In fact, the process began the very next day after the Imps’ last game of the season.

A month later and MM60 was ready to be used. Craig applied the seed in four passes at a rate of 35g per square metre. This, in theory, would have provided enough time for the pitch to be completely ready in time for the first game of the season, but based on Craig’s experience of using MM60, he knew that this would never be in doubt.

“I’ve never known grass to come through so quickly which I believe is due to the HEADSTART® GOLD treatment,” he said.

Imperative MM impresses the Imps

As Craig says, MM60 is treated with HEADSTART® GOLD, which has been developed using the latest scientific findings and field experience. It is a natural revolutionary grass seed treatment that ensures rapid germination and is perfect for enhancing performance on sports fields, golf courses, lawns and amenity turf.

“There are so many benefits from using MM60,” continued Craig. “The colour you get from it is really good, as is the recovery, and the speed of germination is fantastic. I’ve never had any issues and it keeps the pitch free from disease.

“It’s a hard-wearing seed and we have managed to maintain really good grass coverage. Football is a difficult sport to maintain grass, especially now with the rigorous warm-ups before a game; even the cool-downs are like full training sessions. We don’t struggle for grass coverage anywhere on the pitch, even in the tight areas, and I believe that is down to the MM60.”

For further information, please contact MM Sports Seed on 01386 791102 or visit the company’s new website