The Beckenham Together Business Improvement District (BID) is encouraging residents to support local businesses during these unprecedented times.
The response and reaction to COVID-19 is changing daily, as are the effects on Beckenham town centre. It is no secret that trading remains a challenge; some businesses have closed their doors, some have changed opening times and operating practices in order to continue to serve their customers, and some have had no choice but to furlough members of staff.
During this difficult period, the future is uncertain for many Beckenham based businesses but the Beckenham Together team believes that residents could make a positive impact.
“With your support we can ensure the continued success of local businesses,” said BID manager Zoe Carr. “Now more than ever is the time to shop local. Keeping everyone safe and healthy, minimising the spread while supporting Beckenham businesses is key.”
With its main goal of ensuring that Beckenham continues to prosper and flourish, Beckenham Together says that help is always available.
“Beckenham Together was established by and for the business community we serve,” continued Zoe. “I’d like to assure you all that we are here to advise you and to help and support you as much as we can during this period.
“To all Beckenham residents – please do keep an eye on our social media platforms and website to find out which businesses are still operating. Please do stay safe, shop local and try to look forward to brighter days ahead – because they will come.”
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