Ben Burgess increases area partnership with Dennis & SISIS. Ben Burgess Grounds Care Equipment, an existing Dennis and SISIS dealer for Norfolk, has increased its area partnership after it was announced that the East Anglian grounds care retailer will now be distributing the two brands’ leading range of turf equipment to the areas of Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire.
Ben Burgess has been serving the Norfolk and Suffolk farming community since 1931 and has supplied grounds care equipment since 1962. The company has gone from strength to strength throughout that time and now boasts six depots consisting of a large sales force specialising in various fields of expertise, highly trained technicians, dedicated parts teams and a comprehensive hire department.
With the grounds care side of the business seeing exceptional growth throughout the years, the company has enjoyed a long partnership with Dennis & SISIS according to Ben Turner – Group Grounds Care Manager for Ben Burgess.
“We’ve worked with Dennis & SISIS for a number of years. We have many of their machines in some key locations throughout our region and carry out service work on them for some incredibly big names. The product range is exceptional and we’ve been very successful in distributing the equipment such as the Dennis G860 – which is a very solid and reliable product synonymous with the Dennis brand. I don’t think there are many clubs or sports and playing fields round here that don’t have a SISIS Quadraplay – which is a very versatile piece of kit.
“Overall we have a very strong partnership with Dennis & SISIS and they complement the portfolio of quality brands that we offer across our business.”
When the opportunity arose for the company to increase its offering of grounds care equipment and services, Ben believed that it made perfect sense to venture into new territories with the distribution of Dennis & SISIS products.
“We had the opportunity to take on new trading areas and we were very keen to be able to offer the full package of grounds care equipment to our professional customers. Dennis & SISIS are a key part of that and they’ve been with us for a long time as we’ve developed over the years. We invested heavily in sales and support functions and with that in mind we went to Dennis & SISIS to show that we could offer an excellent level of professional delivery and support of the equipment in these new areas.
“They have offered us the opportunity to prove what we can do and our partnership continues to grow. We are both dedicated to offering an incredibly high level of service to our customers.”
Grounds care professionals in the areas of Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire will get the opportunity to receive a fantastic insight into the range of Dennis & SISIS equipment when Ben Burgess hosts a number of open days throughout 2017. It will be a fabulous chance to see how they can best use the products and take the most benefit from them.
“We’re very happy to be part of the continuing success of Dennis & SISIS and we look forward to developing the brands within our new territory,” said Ben.
Further information, please visit www.dennisuk.com and www.sisis.com