Pembroke College Head Groundsman Trevor Munns has chosen a Bowcom GMX machine for all line marking at the college sports ground.
The 12-acre sports ground at Pembroke College, Cambridge University’s third oldest seat of learning, provides year round sport to students and a number of outside interests, including a prominent local football club, who use the facilities for pre-season training.
Upkeep is a testing job, especially as it is carried out almost single-handedly by Trevor, who has been Head Groundsman at the college for 24 years. An item of equipment he has recently switched to has made one aspect of his work – line marking – that bit easier.
As well as having to keep the two football and rugby pitches in his charge efficiently marked over the winter months, Trevor’s biggest marking demand is tennis. There are eight grass courts at the Pembroke grounds in regular use throughout the summer and he regularly uses his Bowcom GMX line marker to get them ‘match fit’ for a local Tennis Club, who plays there twice weekly.
A combination of the revolutionary Bowcom GMX and Bowgrass Supreme Plus paint offers the ultimate in precision line marking application; the GMX incorporates a number of comprehensive, flexible spray options including fully adjustable line width, central or off-set spraying, protected, quick release spray head assembly, optional twin jet nozzle and optional side marking arm.
Trevor now uses Bowcom’s battery-powered spray applicator exclusively for all marking jobs, winter and summer.
“Apart from being comfortable and easy to use, there are three things I particularly like about the GMX line marker,” said Trevor.
“Keeping it clean is very easy. All you have to do is run a little water, stored in a separate tank on the sprayer, through it after use, that’s all. It couldn’t be easier, and it’s put away, with no paint in the pipework, clean in no time at all.
“I like the fact that you can readily switch the battery off so that there’s no loss of charge when not actually marking. The simplicity of width adjustment means that for the football and rugby pitches I can ensure lines are highly visible even when the elements are against you. The paint quality means I certainly don’t have to re-mark pitches as often as I used to.”
The Bowcom GMX precision line marker with adjustable operator handle and 25-litre paint tank comes with a high capacity battery and easy access charger.
Bowcom products are available exclusively throughout the United Kingdom from Sherriff Amenity. For further information, please contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721 888 or email info@sherriff-amenity.com
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