KAR UK has revealed its delight at the recently announced partnership between Hunter Industries and POGO and is looking forward to revealing more details at BTME 2022.
Hunter Industries has joined forces with turfgrass technology solutions leader POGO to bring new sensor and visual insight integrations to the best-in-class Hunter Pilot Network.
Hunter’s robust irrigation control system effectively balances watering demands with flow capacities to determine the most efficient watering cycles possible. Best of all, the highly intuitive software is fully customisable according to the daily irrigation management needs of the turf.
KAR UK, the leading wholesaler of irrigation equipment in the UK and an integral distributor of Hunter Industries irrigation equipment, has welcomed the news according to UK Sales Manager, Mike McDonnell.
“The new partnership signals exciting times and will help turf managers to make smart irrigation decisions that will ultimately result in healthier and better-quality turf.
“KAR UK is incredibly proud to work so closely with Hunter Industries and the team is looking forward to championing this unique new irrigation technology. We hope to see many of you at BTME where we will reveal more exciting details about the partnership and what benefits it will bring.”
KAR UK & Hunter Industries will be in the Red Zone 228 at BTME and will be showcasing a leading range of irrigation equipment that could make a significant improvement to your golf course.
To find out more about KAR UK please visit www.karuk.com