Sherriff Amenity is proud to announce the launch of a new website at www.sherriffamenity.com. The new site not only incorporates a new clean design which is easy to navigate but also includes more product information than ever before.
As part of the website, a Customer Order Portal has become integral to the new design, which was officially launched at BTME in January. A more extensive news section with video content complete the new look.
The Customer Order Portal is compatible with a wide range of devices including mobiles and tablets, and is accessible through a link on the new Sherriff Amenity website, ensuring that groundsmen and greenkeepers, who are existing Sherriff Amenity customers and have registered their details, can place orders as and when they need them – all in real time.
Kevin Whitby, Sherriff Amenity’s marketing manager, said: “We are delighted with the new website. We had very positive comments from our soft launch at BTME in January where we showed customers what they could expect to see when we did launch it.
There is something of value and interest for every groundsman or greenkeeper visiting our site from in depth product information to material data safety sheets and our popular BASIS technical updates.”
For further information, or if you would like to register for the Customer Order Portal please contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721 888 or visit www.sherriffamenity.com
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