Sherriff Amenity Specialist Achieves FACTS Qualification

David Chammings, Amenity Specialist in the South West of the UK, is the latest member of staff from Sherriff Amenity to achieve the FACTS (Fertiliser Advisers Certification & Training Scheme) qualification.

Since 1993 FACTS has been the body responsible for setting standards, training and accrediting the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of those providing nutrient management advice. FACTS has gained credibility within the industry and there are now currently over 2500 active FACTS Qualified Advisers (FQAs) throughout the UK.

David Chammings Sherriff Amenity

David, who has been at Sherriff Amenity for five and a half years, can now be included as one of these qualified advisors. With the company at the forefront of the industry for supplying leading amenity products and providing specialist advice, Sherriff Amenity insist on all employees being suitably qualified.

In achieving the FACTS qualification, all candidates receive the opportunity to enhance their knowledge by covering a number of insightful topics such as:

  • The nature and properties of fertilisers
  • Organic fertilisers
  • PH and liming
  • Crop nutrients and the basis for calculating the amount of fertiliser required
  • Use of fertilisers on the main crop groups in the UK
  • Transport, storage, handling and labelling requirements necessary to protect the environment
  • Codes of good agricultural practice, legal and safety requirements to protect the environment

Commenting on his new qualification, David said: “In achieving this qualification there was a lot of studying involved and keeping updated with the ever changing amenity industry. The scientific element of the course was very interesting and especially learning how the plant utilises all the different elements.

“I’m delighted I put the work in because advising on the right balance of nutrition and helping keep our customers’ turf healthy is a very important part of my job. Now that I have the FACTS qualification I am able to write fertiliser programmes for my customers rather than relying on a colleague. This is actually a Sherriff Amenity requirement to ensure that all advice is carried out in a technical and professional manner.

“Anyone who sells fertiliser should have the FACTS qualification because I believe that it helps keep our industry a professional one. As I’m now BASIS and FACTS qualified, I believe I have been given all the tools by Sherriff Amenity to service our customers to the highest standards. In turn, my customers will have a better quality of turf, no matter what surface they are working on.”

For further information, please contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721 888 or visit

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