Sherriff Amenity has announced the appointment of Joseph Dormer and Rob Bradshaw, who both join the company’s renowned team of Amenity Specialists.
Joseph joins Sherriff Amenity with excellent knowledge of the sports turf industry having previously been a greenkeeper for ten years – most notably as the deputy head greenkeeper at the illustrious West Sussex Golf Club. It was while working in this position that he first became familiar with his new employers.
“We used to use a lot of Sherriff Amenity products at West Sussex Golf Club and I always liked the technical representatives that used to come in to see us. You could tell that they were really well trained and they always spoke very highly of the company.”
So when the opportunity to join the company arose, Joseph felt that he would be the right man for the job.
“I can vouch for a lot of the products because I’ve had experience of using them on a regular basis. I also really enjoy communicating with people and learning how they do things – so this job will allow me to do just that. I’m especially looking forward to helping people find the right products and solutions,” he said.
Joseph, who is marrying his long-term girlfriend Holly next year, will be focusing on the areas of West Sussex and Hampshire and believes he has an ideal opportunity to develop his career with Sherriff Amenity.
“The company has a massive focus on staff training and education and I can’t wait to learn more about the technical side of things. To be honest, it is the only company that I would work for.”
Joining Joseph is Rob Bradshaw, who is already a familiar face in the industry. The two time IOG Award winner and pitch advisor for Huntingdonshire FA, has been involved with many educational events within the industry and is looking forward to passing his knowledge onto others.
“I just want to get the satisfaction of helping our customers with their work and seeing the end results. There is nothing more satisfying that going into a venue and knowing that I’ve given that person everything I know, given him the correct and affordable products and seeing that they have all worked.”
Rob was in fact a long-term user of Sherriff Amenity products in his previous role as head groundsman at One Leisure – a multi sports complex based in St Ives. In a competitive market, he used to receive frequent visits from a variety of companies but according to Rob, Sherriff Amenity just seemed to stand out from the crowd.
“I actually brought Sherriff Amenity in at One Leisure because the representative was knowledgeable, helpful and not ‘salesy’ at all. I liked him and so I decided to buy from him. I never gave another company a chance but I was so happy with the products I was getting, I just didn’t want to change,” he said.
Rob will be embarking on a more specialised role with Sherriff Amenity in which he will mainly be focusing on football, cricket and bowls clubs in the area of Cambridgeshire.
For further information, please contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721 888 or visit www.sherriffamenity.com
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