Dennis and SISIS will be heading to Harrogate and BTME 2019 on their new stand-located in the red zone on Stand 247.

By visiting the Dennis and SISIS stand, greenkeepers, course managers and turfmanagers responsible for a wide range of various sports surfaces will get theopportunity to find out how the SISIS Rotorake TM1000, the Dennis FT510 and theexciting new Dennis PRO 34R could have a significant impact on the way theymanage their turf.
The SISIS Rotorake TM1000 is a tractor mounted heavy duty scarifier and linearaerator and is un-rivalled when it comes to removing and controlling thatch. Itincludes a collector box and floating unit to follow ground contours. Itscontra-rotating reel throws debris forward ensuring a clean, consistent grooveresulting in an excellent finish when the time comes to scarify. Withinterchangeable blades and a quick, simple depth setting without tools, it’s nowonder that so many turf managers have reaped the benefits from using theTM1000.
When it comes to all areas of fine turf, the Dennis FT510 professional mower, hasfor many years, been celebrated for its top performance and durability. With a51cm working width, the FT510 provides its user with comfort, flexibility andexcellent presentation. A true sense of control is obtained through the uniqueroller clutch drive for a smooth take-up and a variable clip rate helping tocreate the desired finish. Available with five-bladed and ten-bladed cuttingcylinders the machine can be matched to any situation and the interchangeablecassettes can be changed without the requirement of any tools. The range of 11different cassettes mean that one machine can be used for several keymaintenance tasks including scarifying, verticutting or brushing. This featurecombined with the click height of cut adjustment system makes it extremely userfriendly for its operators.

The PRO 34R was the machine that everyone was waiting in anticipation for – and now it is here. Officially launched just last month (November), this 34″ (860mm) rotary mower has been designed to help turf managers achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance and desired playing surface.
The mower is ideal for sports pitches and lawns producing the enviable ‘DennisStripes’ while a powerful vacuum flow collects debris quickly and efficiently.The angle of the cutting deck and twin blades can be easily adjusted using asingle ‘click adjuster’ ensuring the mower is suitable for changing conditionsand meeting operator requirements.
Unique features of the Dennis PRO 34R Rotary Mower include 5 forward / 1 reverseselection for speed of operation, 90 litre capacity grass box, fully adjustableangle of deck for changing conditions, 2 section cast aluminium rear roller,single point height of cut adjustment for ease of operation, optional frontwheel or smooth/weile roller options and front brush for standing grassesupright.
Dennis & SISIS have been regular exhibitors at BTME for a number of years and asalways, the company’s experienced staff will be available to answer any queriesand offer valuable advice about the machinery on show.
Further information about the range of maintenance products available can be found byvisiting www.dennisuk.com/ www.sisis.com.